Oct. 5, 2022

Cronus’s Thronusus [SG1 S5E1]

Cronus’s Thronusus [SG1 S5E1]

SG ¾ (plus Jacob) tries to deal with an evil version of Teal’c, Apophis, a bunch of blasphemous jaffa, a replicator invasion, and a Magic 8 Ball whose only answer is “The universe says ‘maybe.’” It’s just layers and layers of enemies and frenemies.

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SG ¾ (plus Jacob) tries to deal with an evil version of Teal’c, Apophis, a bunch of blasphemous jaffa, a replicator invasion, and a Magic 8 Ball whose only answer is “The universe says ‘maybe.’” It’s just layers and layers of enemies and frenemies.