The episode could have been a creepy monster hunting story, but it wasn't. Instead, Kaylee from 'Firefly' swoops in and falls victim to Beckett's bad science, revealing that all wraith are irredeemable.
Ba’al comes to Earth to do capitalism! The Jaffa have giant Christmas ornaments! Solitaire dude knows how to OT! Sam dashes Barrett’s hopes (again)! Mitchell is just there (again)!
Everyone goads Rodney into going all mad scientist but then they get upset with him when it (not surprisingly) goes wrong. Give him a break. It's not like he blew up a sun or anything. And fun fact: clam chowder is a gre…
A violent murderer perfectly sketches Rodney's character while Ronon models his future space cowboy look. Mary has Patrick Stewart on her mind and Kathy has problems with the possessive form of ShRRT.
Once again, we spend a lot of time talking about jell-o bc jell-o was the most interesting part of this episode. Vala continues to be sketchy and untrustworthy, but maybe there's at least a little hope for her. Meanwhile Ka…